Who Do We Ask for Help?

Sometimes, when I feel particularly overwhelmed by problems of my own and others, I find myself wishing there was more I could do than pray. Prayer just doesn’t feel like enough.

But when I recognize who it is that I am asking for help when I pray, I see how much better His help is than mine could ever be.

Because of who God is, praying for someone we love is the best thing we can do for them.

Because of who God is, praying for someone we love is the best thing we can do for them. Click To Tweet

When we turn to God for help, we’re asking:

The one who made all things. (John 1:3)

The one who holds all things together. (Col 1:17)

The one who will make all things new. (Rev 21:5)

If that’s too much to wrap a hurting heart around, we can zoom in. We are praying to:

The One who did not withhold His own son, who gives us every good thing (Rom 8:32)

The One who gives us everything we need for a godly life. (2 Pet 1:3)

The One who is faithful when we are faithless, because He cannot deny Himself. (2 Tim 2:13)

For the sort of help we don’t even know how to articulate, we are asking:

The One whose Spirit intercedes for us through wordless groans. (Rom 8:26)

The One whose Son is interceding for us at His right hand. (Rom 8:34)

The One who knows every thought, every intention of our hearts. (Ps 139)

This help He gives? It’s got no limit, no expiration date. We pray to:

The One who neither slumbers nor sleeps. (Ps 121:4)

The One for whom all things are possible. (Matt 19:26)

The One who tells us He wants us to pray without ceasing. (1 Thess 5:17)

Of Him, we can ask freely, and confidently.

This post may also be shared on #RechargeWednesday.

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