6. The Maker of Heaven {I’m Tired, Lord Devotional Series}

“My help comes from the Lord,

the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:2)

It’s hard to have an eternal perspective when tiredness makes it hard for us to see how we’re going to keep going for the next few minutes. Heaven might not even seem particularly relevant or important to us when we’re struggling.

But today is part of eternity. The context of eternity helps us see today more clearly.

Back when the Psalm was first sung, The Maker of Heaven, who is the Maker of all, was making a way for His people on earth both physically and spiritually. At the same time, He was making a way for His son to come and save His people and anyone who believes in Him. His preparations, plans, and purpose didn’t change when His people proved unfaithful time after time. The Maker of Heaven kept on faithfully making.

The same Maker of heaven is providing for us now and preparing a place for us in the future. He is making the new heaven and new earth.

Meanwhile, Jesus is standing at the right hand of God, making intercession for His people. The Holy Spirit is making us more like Jesus. God is sitting on His throne, having made a way for us to come to Him in our time of need freely and confidently through Jesus. 

The eternal perspective within our reach, even when we’re tired, is just this: What we’re dealing with today isn’t going to last forever, but what the glorious Maker of Heaven is making in us and for us will never end. And that makes today, however hard it may be, part of something so much better. 

What do you look forward to about the new heaven and new earth that Jesus is making?

Find the whole series at this link. If you’d like to download a PDF of these devotions, just let me know here and I’ll email it to you! I’ll also post each one on Instagram

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