15. A Prayer for Psalm 121:3-4 by Emily Robertson {I’m Tired, Lord Devotional Series}

Father in Heaven,

I thank you for these promises over my life,
and the reminder of who you are.

I thank you that while I climb into bed each night,
Often weary from the demands of the day
And unable to let go of all that has weighed me down,
You promise to keep me under your
Ever-watchful, never sleeping gaze.

Thank you, Father,
That you are totally unlike me –
Unwearying, unwavering, unflinchingly present
And unable to let any harm come to those you love.
You need neither slumber, nor sleep;
Your eyes are always on those you love
And so I can sleep knowing that you do not.

I thank you that you are who you say you are
And the promises you have made are a resting place
For my tired body and mind.
Help me to rest on them –
Totally unafraid and at peace,
Steadied by the calm assurance that
All things are safe within your hands.

I thank you that whether I am awake or asleep,
You are always with me,
Calling me to place my trust in your father-like protection
And provision over my life.

Thank you, Father.

Find the whole series at this link. If you’d like to download a PDF of these devotions, just let me know here and I’ll email it to you! I’ll also post each one on Instagram

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