“…indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.” (Psalm 121:4)
The worries that keep us up at night and wear us down in life usually extend beyond our own circumstances. We fear for our families, friends, churches, communities, and nations – even for strangers whose stories we’ve heard.
Wonderfully, the God who watches over you and me isn’t limited to a “one person at a time” view. God is “He who watches over Israel” too. We see all through the Bible how God watches over Israel, His chosen people – a whole nation. Plus, through Israel, God made Himself known to all nations so that everyone could hear the good news of Jesus.
Ultimately, some of Jesus’ most well-remembered words to His disciples are, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19.)
This is the wonder of our God. He can hold the whole world in His hands and still become a man whose own hands were pierced for us. He can make a way for the salvation of people from every tribe and tongue, and at the same time have specifically chosen Israel and sent His son as an Israelite man.
God, without any exception, watches over everyone…and each one. Including you and I and each person that He gives us to love.
What’s a big worry you can entrust to God? How about a little one too?
Find the whole series at this link. If you’d like to download a PDF of these devotions, just let me know here and I’ll email it to you! I’ll also post each one on Instagram.