Prospecting for Treasure

Sometimes we mistake treasure as trash in faith

It was 1866. The Yogo Gulch in Montana was full of prospectors. They came for gold, but found disappointment. All that stood out in their sifting pans were the numerous little blue pebbles in the area.

They threw them away.

One man, Jake Hoover, took a different approach after some time. He sent them away.

Those blue pebbles, he discovered, were sapphires. They have since been regular features in Tiffany & Co. jewelry, fetching a pretty penny per carat.

How often do we go prospecting for one thing only to discover (and dismiss) another? Click To Tweet

This sort of story unfolds in Mark 10, too.

Story 1

First, we learn of a rich young ruler. He came to Jesus prospecting for eternal life. The young man had kept the law meticulously. He was, it would seem, well poised to uncover the treasure before him.

“What must I do?” the young man asked.

Jesus answered, telling the guy to sell what he had and come.

“Come, follow me.” Jesus invited him.

It was a chance to trade in every fleeting, decomposing treasure the young man was familiar with for the everlasting, priceless gem of a relationship with Christ.

Seeing no value in what was most precious, the guy walked away sad.

Looking for treasure, finding Jesus

Story 2

Then, just a little later, we find the story of a blind beggar. His name was Bartimaeus. He came to Jesus prospecting for mercy. His pleas were loud and disruptive.

When Jesus asked Bartimaeus what He could do for him, the man asked to be able to see again.


“Go, your faith has made you well,” Jesus responded to the now-seeing man.

Bartimaeus saw the treasure before him was not regained sight, but the One who is Light. Immediately, he followed him.

The Contrast

The man Jesus told to “come,” went away without recognizing the treasure before him.

The man Jesus told to “go,” came to follow the gem of a Savior he recognized.

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” –Ephesians 3:20-21

May we recognize the treasure of Christ despite and besides our expectations!

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4 Replies to “Prospecting for Treasure

  1. Bethany, this post shows the true power of story…and the worth of true treasure. I used to be a little obsessed with sapphires. Every time I asked for a new ring or piece of jewelry, I picked out something with sapphires. What a beautiful story and application for us today!

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