Has This Already Been Paid For? (Mini-Series Part III)

One time, I accidentally stole.

I was a kid in a bookstore and someone else was paying for my bundle. Reaching my hand up to the counter, I slipped a bookmark in the stack. Later, looking over my treasures, someone asked where I got that bookmark.

Apparently, it wasn’t paid for.

I still feel bad about that. It matters very much to me that I pay my dues, live up to expectations, and earn my keep. That can make receiving grace and God’s good gifts hard for me.

If that’s familiar to you, too, then maybe you also need to ask this question more:

Has this already been paid for?

Consider What Christ Has Already Paid

“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ.”Romans 6:23

Through His sacrifice on the cross, Christ has already paid our penalty fee for sin. He paid it freely so that we are free to live eternally in Him. Part of what that means for everyday life is that when evil comes to collect through guilt, shame, or temptation to sin, we don’t have to wonder if there’s anything left we owe. We can’t mistakenly slip a sin in that Christ hasn’t covered already.

When sin says you’ll never get out of debt, remember Christ has already paid it all. Click To Tweet

Stopping Trying to Pay the Price Yourself

“Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” –Romans 6: 11

When we forget that Christ has already paid it all, we tend to act like sin’s tab is still active. Instead of counting ourselves dead to sin, we count our sins like there’s still a balance to be kept. Being dead to sin and alive to God happens through Christ. When we feel the need to prove, perform, and do penance, it’s time to stop at the foot of the cross. What He says is finished is done.

Watch for Fearing Christ Didn’t Pay Enough

My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”Philippians 4:19

It’s hard to wrap our heads around, but God’s love is lavish. His grace is sufficient. His mercy is abundant. When asking “Has this already been paid for?” in regard to our sin, the answer is always going to be yes. We were bought with a price- and whoever Christ paid for, He continues to generously provide for.

When you feel like you have to get it on your own, remember nothing is worthwhile apart from Christ. Click To Tweet

Who is paying the price in our lives? Christ.

What does it cost us? Nothing.

Has this sin, and this unearned favor with God, already been paid for? Yes. 

Let’s live within the limitless love and care of our Lord. 

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4 Replies to “Has This Already Been Paid For? (Mini-Series Part III)

  1. This is such an important reminder! It is easy to fall into depending on ourselves and thinking we have to achieve certain standards instead of remembering that Jesus has paid it all!

  2. Really good thinking here, because when I try to step up and live by a bootstraps gospel, I’m implying that Christ’s payment was not enough, and I need to add my own little contribution.
    Great post!

    1. Thanks Michele! I try to add to what He has already done far too often. Thankfully it is finished!

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